2810379750 bmi@hmu.gr


Category European
Project Title CARDIOCARE – An interdisciplinary approach for the management of the elderly multimorbid patients with breast cancer therapy induced cardiac toxicity
Funding Organization EC
Programme H2020
Coordinator University of Ioannina (short name: UoI) – Greece
  • Instituto Europeo Di Oncologia SRL (short name: IEO) – Italy
  • The Bank of Cyprus Oncology Centre (short name: BOCOC) – Cyprus
  • Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (short name: FORTH) – Greece
  • Instituto Di Management Sanitario SRL (short name: IMS) – Italy
  • Philips Electronics (short name: PHILIPS) – The Nederlands
  • Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset (short name: KSBC) – Sweden
  • Stremble Ventures LTD (short name: STREMBLE) – Cyprus
  • Onkoloski Institut Ljubljana (short name: IOL) – Slovenia
  • National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (short name: NKUA) – Greece
  • Societe Europeenne De Cardiologie (short name: ESC) – France
  • Hellenic Mediterranean University (short name: HMU) – Greece
Duration 01/07/2021 – 30/06/2025 (48 months)
Total Budget 5.996.631,25 €
HMU budget 307.250,00 €
Web Site https://cardiocare-project.eu/
Project Objective

More than 50% of the newly diagnosed breast cancer patients are elderly and particularly susceptible to cardiotoxicity of cancer treatment due to age-related factors and prevalence of multiple co-morbidities. The cumulative effect of risk factors in the elderly patient resembles a “snowball effect”, where baseline age and cancer-related changes are exacerbated by direct therapy-induced cardiotoxicity, resulting to a multi-morbid state and mortality. Frailty and high risk of cardiotoxicity in this group may lead to inappropriate interventions and undertreatment, resulting in poorer outcomes, deterioration of QoL and increased healthcare costs. Considering, that older cancer patients are underrepresented in trials, new interdisciplinary and patient-oriented studies able to provide clinical guidelines and best practices for delivering quality care are needed. CARDIOCARE will contribute to scale up a better management for the multimorbid elderly breast cancer patients. Innovative eHealth applications, coupled with sensors and wearables, will permit a consistent evaluation of the intrinsic capacity and by combining clinical and biological features, will provide a holistic approach to the management of cancer and his comorbidities in the elderly population. This will allow the development of quality indicators for effective care pathways and allow a more informed approach to breast cancer patients with multimorbidity, training and education of caregivers and stakeholders to boost effectively elderly breast cancer patients along disease trajectory and cardiotoxicity. eHealth applications will increase the involvement and participation of the patients in their care process and self-management improving adherence to their individualized care plan, and a better psychological adaptation to their disease. Overall, the implementation of a comprehensive model for effective risk stratification will positively impact on QoL, adverse events, hospitalizations, and healthcare.